Data Subproject Results

Measure Specification Template


Data Subproject Abstract








Data Subproject

The purpose of the CEQM data subproject is to identify data quality standards for primary mental health care quality measures and to recommend future directions for the implementation of these measures into existing health data systems. The ultimate goal is to foster the development of Canadian health data infrastructures which allow for quality measurement in primary mental health care.

Data Subproject Objectives

Team lead

Wayne Jones
Research Associate, CARMHA, SFU

Other team members

Denise Aubé
Ian Joiner
Wayne Jones
Elizabeth Lin
Nawaf Madi
Léo-Roch Poirier
Harvey Smith
Jian Li Wang
Ellisa Wee

v5 September 21, 2006

Copyright © 2006 CEQM and CARMHA •

The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the official policies of Health Canada