Nov 22, 2006
KTE article from Eric McNaughton & the CMHA, BC Division
The involvement of the CMHA, BC Division helped to ensure that the final results of the project reflect the concerns of people with mental illness and other community members.
KT article - final results.doc
Sep 20, 2006
Final Results & Launch of Quality Measures Database
Paul Waraich ( with Reneé Saklikar in attendance) presented CEQM's final results and Quality Measures database at the Primary Health Care Symposium, CHSRF, Vancouver, B.C. David Haslam also presented regarding Transition into Primary-care Psychiatry(TIPP).
Sep 13, 2006
KTE events, Toronto ON and other ON sites, including Sudbury and Peterborough
Sudury and Peterborough sessions included the CMHA and the Sudbury session included regional decision-makers as well. KT sessions are planned at the MOHLTC in Toronto, Psychiatric Patient Advocate Office, CMHA Durham and Ontario Federation of Mental Health and Addiction Services.
Sep 13, 2006
Québec KTE event with 43 stakeholders
An intensive day session with a range of stakeholders, including representatives from CSSS organizations; detailed knowledge transfer exchanges and feedback regarding both policy implications of CEQM's final results and feedback on the project's surveys
Jul 4, 2006
Research Group Final Report Released
From CEQM Alberta - "The Readiness to Implement Quality Measurement Checklist: Development and Pilot Testing" Final Report
Att_E_Alberta Final Report.pdf
Jun 7, 2006
Interim Final Results Presented at Shared Care 2006
At this year's Shared Care conference in Calgary AB, Paul Waraich, on behalf of the project Steering Committee, presented interim final results from CEQM's third and final survey. Denise Aubé, PQ presented at several workshops during the conference and Tania Kyle,AB presented a poster - CEQM Research Checklist
May 15, 2006
Dr. Denise Aubé presents to the AQRP
In mid May Denise was invited by the Director of the AQRP to present on CEQM - the workshop included three components:communications, stakeholder feedback from consumer/decision-maker/clinician; and interactive exchange. See details attached.
Proposition d'atelier, AQRP 2006 vf.doc
May 15, 2006
Dr. Denise Aubé submission -international conference on exclusion
This submission is regarding a social analysis of CEQM re issues of social inclusion, equity& participation. The conference will be held in November, 2006 in Québec City.
Apr 12, 2006
Workshop Presentation from Dr.Denise Aubé, PQ
Courtesy of Denise Aubé: April 12 GRIOSE-SM Research Workshop
Atelier Denise Aubé, 12 avril 06.doc
Mar 1, 2006
CEQM Final Survey - Administration set to begin
We are gearing up for our 3rd and final survey - to be administered this Spring, 2006 in 2 rounds. Our goal is to identify a small set of measures for quality improvement Thank you to all our valued stakeholders...we now have inclusion from every province & territory in Canada, representing consumer/advocates, academic/researchers, clinicians, and decision-makers from regional, provincial and federal levels of government.
Feb 15, 2006
NPHCAS bulletin
Latest news from the National Primary Health Care strategy
NPHCAS E-Bulletin English feb06.pdf
Feb 1, 2006
CEQM moves to new location
CEQM is pleased to join the Centre for Applied Research in Mental Health & Addictions, Faculty of Health Sciences, Simon Fraser University...please visit our contact page for more information...
Nov 15, 2005
Ensemble face a la complexité - Psychiatry Conference in Quebec
Dr. Denise Aubé will present about CEQM and its regional component at this Conference; more information is available at the web site referenced below.
Oct 25, 2005
CHSRF Networks Leadership Summit
Dr. Paul Waraich will represent CEQM at the CHSRF Networks Leadership Summit being held in Halifax, Nova Scotia - the purpose of this invitational event is to bring experts together to debate and discuss issues relevant to networks and to tap into an abundance of tacit knowledge - this roundtable will discuss best practices in initiating, sustaining, and evaluating networks.
Sep 26, 2005
CEQM at Calgary's Primary Care Conference
Tania Kyle, CEQM Research Coordinator(AB), presented a poster on the project at this Primary Care reform conference sponsored by the Calgary Health Region
Sep 18, 2005
CEQM Stage 2 best practices presented at the International Conferences on the Scientific Basis of Health Services -ICSBHS -Montreal
Dr. David Haslam, CEQM Steering Committee member (ON) presented, "Determining the evidence-base for national consensus primary care mental health quality domains:methods and preliminary results" - see attached abstract for more details; and Tania Kyle, CEQM Research Coordinator(AB), received sponsorship from the Research Transfer Network of Alberta to attend ICSBHS, regarding her work on consensus and best practices.
poster CEQM for ICSBHS Montreal.pdf
Sep 14, 2005
KTE Video Conference - Paul Waraich & Manitoba Stakeholders
Paul Waraich, Principal Investigator meets with Manitoba stakeholders - Winnipeg Reginal Health Authority and the Manitoba Centre for Health Policy - our 3rd survey planning & recruitment is now underway. Read an update about CEQM in the power point presentation included here.
Manitoba - Sept14_2005 NO-ANIM-FINAL .ppt
Sep 13, 2005
National Primary Health Care Awareness Strategy
The National Primary Health Care Awareness Strategy(NPHCAS) will officially launch its campaign September 20, 2005 at the Canadian Public Health Association's 96th annual conference in Ottawa. For more information contact Karen Gibbons, Project Lead at
PHC Sept Newsletter-English.pdf
Jul 12, 2005
NEW PHCTF websites from Health Canada
The Primary and Continuing Health Care Division (Health Policy Branch, Health Canada) is pleased to announce the launch of its new Primary Health Care Website: This site contains new information, including an updated Primary Health Care Transition Fund Website, which can also be accessed directly at
NEW! Primary Health Care website
Jun 15, 2005
Winnipeg, Manitoba Centre for Health Policy
National KTE session
Jun 13, 2005
Knowledge Transfer & Exchange Network Mail-out
We are currently preparing for a mail-out to over 781 national, primary care, mental health, and PCMH multi-stakeholder groups The purpose of this mail-out is to foster collaboration and expertise by disseminating results of the project, building support for the implementation of PMHC quality measures implementation on a national scale, and providing an opportunity for KT exchange among respondents.
Jun 11, 2005
CEQM Knowledge Transfer Activities Powerpoint Presentation
By Dr. Denise Aubé. Knowledge Transfer Regional Activities (Quebec). Delivered at the Shared Care Conference - June 11/2005
Présentation 11 juin 2005 va.ppt
Jun 10, 2005
6th National Conference on Shared Mental Health Care
The conference will be held from Friday, June 10 to Sunday, June 12, 2005 at the Ottawa Marriott Hotel. The project has a 1.5 hour concurrent presentation led by Drs. Paul Waraich, David Haslam and Denise Aubé who will present CEQM Stage 1 Results, Rationale & Methods for Primary Care Mental Health Effective Practice and Measure Templates, and KTE Regional Results, respectively.
Jun 10, 2005
CEQM Overall Project PowerPoint Presentation
By Dr. Paul Waraich. Delivered at the Shared Care Conference - June 10/2005
Jun 9, 2005
In person Steering Committee Meeting
Jun 3, 2005
Canadian Mental Health Association releases article on CEQM
A new article has been posted at the Canadian Mental Health Association web site on our project.
Project to Enhance Quality in Primary Care Mental Health Services
May 19, 2005
National Primary Health Care Awareness Strategy - May 2005 Newsletter
On Strategy - Update from the National Primary Health Care Awareness Strategy
NPHCAS Volume 1 Issue 1 - May 2005.pdf
May 18, 2005
Toronto, CIHI PHC Workshop
National KTE session May 18-19, 2005
Apr 30, 2005
E-health Conference Toronto
Project staff attended April 30- May 3, 2005. Health information sharing technologies in Canada.
Apr 11, 2005
CHSRF National Workshop on PHC
Apr 7, 2005
KT Event at First Nations & Inuit Health Branch (FNIHB) SUM, Ottawa
Paul Waraich to present
Apr 6, 2005
Health Canada
Including PHAC, PHCTF, and FNIHB
Mar 23, 2005
PHAC MH Surveillance Workshop
Mar 22, 2005
KT Event Quebec city March 22, Montreal March 23
Denise Aubé and Paul Waraich to present. Leo-Roch Poirer and Melanie St-Onge as animators.
Mar 17, 2005
Saskatchewan KT event
John Conway and Paul Waraich to present at the Saskatchewan Health Quality Council