Percentage of adult patients seen within 15 minutes of their appointment.
Clients/patients are able to obtain care and services at the right place and the right time, based on their respective needs. Accessibility would include such things as waiting times, physician availability, geographical proximity, extended service hours, etc.
Additional Domain(s) :
This single-item measure indicates the percentage of adult patients who reported how often ("Always," "Usually," "Sometimes," or "Never") they were seen within 15 minutes of their appointment.
Consumer ratings and reports of their behavioral health care and the health plan or managed behavioral health care organization (MBHO) that provide that care are important measures of the quality of behavioral health treatment. National efforts to develop quality indicators for behavioral health care by treatment providers, researchers and policymakers have all included consumer ratings. Moreover, many behavioral health care treatment providers use consumer ratings as a component of their quality improvement processes.
The Experience of Care and Health Outcomes (ECHO) Survey is designed to collect information on patients' experiences with behavioral health care. It produces data that can be useful for patients, clinicians, managed behavioral healthcare organizations (MBHO), health care plans, purchasers, States, and Federal agencies. This ECHO Survey is part of the CAHPS family of surveys, which are developed and supported by a public-private consortium of researchers sponsored by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ).
The ECHO Survey can be used for the following purposes:
To satisfy external standards.
To improve the quality of mental health and substance abuse services.
To monitor the quality of behavioral health organizations.
To hold providers accountable through public reporting.