Use of a standardized but brief scale (i.e., the Primary Care Assessment Tool (PCAT) access subscale) to measure access to primary health care.
Clients/patients are able to obtain care and services at the right place and the right time, based on their respective needs. Accessibility would include such things as waiting times, physician availability, geographical proximity, extended service hours, etc.
Additional Domain(s) :
The Primary Care Assessment Tool (PCAT) instruments were developed by The Johns Hopkins Primary Care Policy Center for Underserved Populations were designed to measure the extent and quality of primary care services at a provider setting designated by consumers as their main source of general care and consistent with a focus on attributes of primary care that have
been demonstrated to produce better outcomes of care at lower costs.The PCAT access sub-scale measures the ability for urgent patients to access a provider/team who knows the patient in a timely and convenient manner. The scale also measures whether patients can obtain information or care from their regular provider/team for urgent problems occurring during office hours, outside office hours, and on weekends.