Priority Domains
Following the survey and group
discussions in Stage 1 of the project, national consensus was
achieved on 20 priority domains out
of a possible 86. These include 7 system-wide domains and 13 special
areas of focus.
While national consensus was
reached on 20 priority domains, there
was also regional diversity regarding the
importance of the remaining domains.
It is outside the scope of the project to
extensively focus on domains identified
as very important by only one or a few
regions (e.g., self-management support - Alberta, British Columbia, Ontario;
substance misuse - Saskatchewan).
There will be some coverage of these
issues through overlap with system wide
domains (e.g., access is an
important issue for people with
substance abuse). However, provinces
and territories may need to consider
how to best address their unique
priorities for quality measurement.
Priority Domains
View all 86 domains
System Wide Domains
Special Area Domains
View all 86 domains
Version 0.5.1
Modified: 2006-09-26
Copyright © 2006 CEQM and CARMHA info
The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the
official policies of Health Canada