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Project Results

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National Consensus

National Consensus Summary

Top 30 Quality Measures

Quality Measures Database

Priority Domains

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Quality Measures Database

Brief Results

Domains : Outreach Services

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Overall Rank Primary Domain Additional Domain(s) Measure Title
32 Outreach Services Accessibility Best in Domain Percent of adults with a serious mental illness at risk of repeated relapse, have made high use of inpatient and/or emergency services, have a poor history of engagement with services or are homeless, who are offered treatment via an assertive case treatment (ACT) or intensive case management program. Display Detailed
37 Outreach Services Accessibility, Emergency Services Response Time for Adult Crisis Intervention teams. Display Detailed
42 Outreach Services Accessibility, Homeless or Itinerant Use of a homeless shelter based outreach intervention to improve treatment engagement in homeless individuals with psychiatric and/or substance misuse disorders. Display Detailed
69 Outreach Services Continuity, Accessibility Referrals to community supports are accepted from multiple sources including professionals, nonprofit and other service agencies, homeless shelters, employment services and self-referrals. Pro-active outreach/referral finding is part of this process. Display Detailed
82 Outreach Services Patients with Acute Conditions, Continuity The primary mental health care team works jointly with local agencies to ensure home-based crisis services are available on a 24/7 basis (e.g. through PMHC staff providing some portion of clinical coverage for the service) Display Detailed
83 Outreach Services Patients with Acute Conditions, Continuity Crisis resolution and home treatment teams should be used as a means to manage crises for service users to augment the services provided by early intervention services and assertive outreach teams to individuals with severe mental illnesses, as well as a means of delivering high-quality acute care. Display Detailed
101 Outreach Services Accessibility, Ethnic / Cultural Minorities Outreach to Special Populations (cultural and linguistic minorities with the number and percentage served). Display Detailed
141 Outreach Services Accessibility, Children The percent of initial and follow-up contacts made by staff to clients that occurred outside of the office. Display Detailed
  Best in Domain Most highly rated measure for the identified primary domain.
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