Disponibilité d?un système d?intervention en situation de crise |
Rang global: 16 |
Un système d?intervention en situation de crise est en place dans chaque secteur et inclut une couverture 24/7, c?est-à-dire un service disponible vingt-quatre heures sur vingt-quatre, sept jours sur sept.
Domaine : Services d?urgence médicale
Une salle hospitalière ou une unité mobile de réponse aux situations de crise équipées pour recevoir et traiter des personnes requérant des soins médicaux immédiats.
Autres domain(es) : Accessibilité, Patients souffrant des problèmes aigus
The capacity to provide a crisis and emergency response is an integral part of a mental health services continuum of care.
A Crisis Response Service (CRS) links children, youth and adults in acute crises with the appropriate community resources and/or establishes an immediate communication link and supportive intervention for children, youth and adults experiencing critical or emergency mental health problems. This service provides appropriate, timely, and well coordinated responses to those persons in crisis. With their specialized training and experience, CRS personnel provide the necessary support and interventions to individuals and/or their significant others, and consultation to community providers, mental health staff, family practitioners, police, etc.
Within the mental health environment, crises manifest themselves in many ways, ranging from an acute occurrence of mental illnesses to the emotional consequences of the loss of housing and support networks. A crisis occurs when an individuals usual coping strategies are suddenly overwhelmed and the individual requires an immediate response.
Not all crises result in mental health emergencies. However, when an individuals coping strategies are so overwhelmed and there is potential for harm to self or others, or the individuals well-being is drastically threatened, an immediate emergency response is required. A CRS must have skilled professional staff who are able to differentiate between true emergencies which must be seen immediately in order to be treated and stabilized, and those crises which may be appropriately handled in other ways. The availability of experienced professional staff to respond to the first telephone or walk-in contacts made to the service is crucial to effective management and control of
the crisis. Critical information is gathered and important questions are asked which assists in the initial triage. It is also an opportunity for the CRS staff to inform referring agents about the individuals clinical presentation and about the services recommendations.
According to Best practices in Mental Health reform (1997), the range of functions provided by a CRS includes:
1) Stabilizing individuals in crisis in order to assist them to return to their pre-crisis level of functioning;
2) Assisting individuals and members of their natural support systems to resolve
situations that may have precipitated or contributed to the crisis; and,
3) Linking individuals with services and supports in the community in order to meet their ongoing community support needs.
4) Linking individuals to appropriate follow-up mental health care.
Référence principale
Standards for Mental Health Services in Nova Scotia. (Feb 2003) Retrieved on July 31, 2006 from: http://www.gov.ns.ca/heal/downloads/Standards.pdf
Niveau des preuves
III: Données de recherche préliminaires uniquement ou données reposant uniquement sur un consensus d?opinion.
- * Un système d?intervention en situation de crise devrait inclure des ressources mobiles.
*N?est pas du ressort des soins de première ligne.
Variations dans les résultats
Rang selon les cotes
Pertinence |
4 |
Applicabilité |
47 |
Importance générale |
4 |
Rang selon les groupes d'acteurs
Universitaires/chercheurs |
10 |
Cliniciens |
18 |
Usagers |
25 |
Décideurs |
13 |
? |
Rang selon les groupes particuliers
Premières Nations |
30 |
Régions rurales |
6 |
Acteurs fédéraux |
13 |
Rang selon les provinces et territoires
CB |
AB |
SK |
MA |
ON |
QC |
NB |
NÉ |
TN |
YU |
NU |
30 |
4 |
70 |
3 |
15 |
11 |
27 |
9 |
98 |
41 |
62 |
11 |
16 |
Rang global