Évaluation complète |
Rang global: 51 |
Une évaluation complète, un plan d'intervention et un suivi des progrès individuels sont entrepris en tenant compte de tous les domaines de la vie de l'individu et de son réseau de soutien.
Domaine : Ressources personnelles
Des caractéristiques de la vie personnelle, telles le soutien social, le niveau de stress et la poursuite scolaire, qui sont reliées à l?état de santé.
Autres domain(es) : Réadaptation, Être centré sur le patient
Core Program Description:
A Community Supports Program is designed to help individuals and their support networks in managing the demands of daily life and to promote full citizenship in community. Community Supports differs from traditional mental health services through the focus of interventions and by delivery in the individuals community environment. Staff collaborate with individuals and their support network around functional goals, and provide continuous outreach and support across service settings and as needs change. The range of intensity/ frequency of service is based on need, and will vary by individual. Resources available(e.g. housing, human resources), and critical mass, may challenge health districts to create service access through partnerships or to modify model programs to their capabilities.
Community Supports include:
Case management: a collaborative process which assesses, plans
implements, coordinates, monitors and evaluates the options and services
required to meet an individuals health needs, using communication and
available resources to promote quality, cost-effective outcomes. Access is
available long term, and work with individuals primarily happens in natural
community settings. (see appendix for differentiation from outpatient services)
Assertive Community Treatment or Intensive Community Treatment Teams;
Clubhouses; Consumer and Family Initiatives; Accommodation and Equality
Initiatives; Housing, Employment and Education Supports.
Proactive outreach/case finding: interventions that will increase help-seeking
behaviour and find those who are at risk/hard to find/hard to serve.
Components included in the treatment of disruptive behaviour disorders in
children and youth may also include:
-Multi-modal approach (a combination of psychological and educational
treatments that receive empirical support for their effectiveness in addressing
the needs of the behaviourally challenged youth)
-Community-based approach (within the childs home community)
- Early intervention approach (as early as possible within the developmental
sequence of antisocial behaviour)
- Multi-systemic orientation (i.e. takes place across multiple systems including
the family, school, peer group, etc.)
- Consistent use of behavioural techniques across multiple settings
- Comprehensiveness and sustainability over time (long-term intervention for a
long-term problem)
- Maximization of protective factors (e.g. positive family functioning, child and
family resilience).
Référence principale
Nova Scotia Mental Health System. (2004). Standards for Mental Health Services in Nova Scotia: Revised and Approved March, 2004. Retrieved July 17, 2006, from http://www.gov.ns.ca/health/mhs/pubs/standards_2004.pdf
Niveau des preuves
III: Données de recherche préliminaires uniquement ou données reposant uniquement sur un consensus d?opinion.
- *Cela présume que nous avons besoin de nous impliquer de façon intensive avec toutes les personnes avec qui nous travaillons. Plusieurs se présentent avec des besoins/désirs et buts plus précis en ce qui a trait aux services.
- *Est extrêmement important pour les Premières nations et pour les peuples métis, puisque cela correspond à leurs perceptions holistiques de la santé et du bien-être.
- Les interventions liées à cette évaluation sont totalement hors du contrôle de quiconque aux soins de première ligne.
Variations dans les résultats
Rang selon les cotes
Pertinence |
59 |
Applicabilité |
59 |
Importance générale |
47 |
Rang selon les groupes d'acteurs
Universitaires/chercheurs |
58 |
Cliniciens |
73 |
Usagers |
22 |
Décideurs |
67 |
? |
Rang selon les groupes particuliers
Premières Nations |
52 |
Régions rurales |
21 |
Acteurs fédéraux |
90 |
Rang selon les provinces et territoires
CB |
AB |
SK |
MA |
ON |
QC |
NB |
NÉ |
TN |
YU |
NU |
55 |
46 |
29 |
61 |
49 |
47 |
61 |
122 |
65 |
106 |
47 |
62 |
37 |
Rang global