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Patients with Psychosis |
Accessibility, Family Involvement
Family interventions should be offered to families of individuals with schizophrenia who have experienced a recent relapse or have persisting symptoms, and are living with or in close contact with their family. Key intervention elements include duration of at least 9 months, illness education, crisis intervention, emotional support, and training in how to cope with illness symptoms and related problems.
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Patient-Centeredness |
Legal, Patients with Psychosis
Health professionals should make all efforts necessary to ensure that a service user can give meaningful and properly informed consent before treatment is initiated, giving adequate time for discussion and the provision of written information.
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Patients with Psychosis |
Physical Health Intervention
General practitioners and other primary health workers should regularly monitor and record the physical health of people with schizophrenia (registered) in their practice.
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Patients with Psychosis |
Continuity, Prevention
Relapse monitoring plan for people in a stable phase of schizophrenia.
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Patients with Psychosis |
Social, group and physical activities are an important aspect of comprehensive service provision for people with schizophrenia as the acute phase recedes, and afterwards. All care plans should record the arrangements for social, group and physical activities.
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Shared Care |
Patients with Psychosis, Physical Health Intervention
Primary health care and secondary (specialized mental health care) services, in conjunction with the service user, should jointly identify which service will take responsibility for assessing and monitoring the physical health care needs of service users. This should be documented in both primary and secondary care notes/care plans and clearly recorded by care coordinators and case managers.
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Rehabilitation |
School-based Mental Health Services, Patients with Psychosis
Youth and adults diagnosed with severe mental illness (e.g. schizophrenia, bipolar disorder or severe anxiety disorder) should be offered modifications in standard academic educational programs (e.g. college, high school) which allow them to learn at their own pace within a personalized support program.
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Patients with Acute Conditions |
Patient-Centeredness, Patients with Psychosis
Percentage of individuals suffering from serious mental illness with jointly developed crisis plans containing advance directives detailing the individual's treatment choices in the event of an acute episode of illness.
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Patients with Psychosis |
Shared Care, Continuity
The decision to refer a service user from primary health care to specialized mental health services should take into account the views of the service user and consider: treatment adherence problems, a poor response to treatment, co-morbid substance misuse, increased level of risk to self or others, a person with schizophrenia first joining a general practitioner practice list, rehabilitation assessment is required.
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Patients with Psychosis |
Psychotherapy, Accessibility
All individuals with schizophrenia who are experiencing persisting psychotic symptoms should be offered cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) for psychosis.
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Patients with Psychosis |
Early Detection, Accessibility
Mean age at first treatment contact for persons with psychotic disorders.
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Patients with Psychosis |
Patients with Chronic Conditions
All individuals with schizophrenia within primary health care are recorded on a case register.
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